Higher Education and University System Restructuring
An interesting table drawn from van Vught (2012) which gives a partial insight into trends in Higher Education restructuring in response to global trends towards innovation as a policy objective. Especially when Higher Education is seen as a responsive area for encouraging economic growth through innovation strategies. van Vught (2012) links these restructures to nation state educational and research policies but also to the increasing influence of university league tables and the pressures upon states to produce "world-class" institutions similar to Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, and so forth.
Country | Year |
Restructure Type
Germany | 2006 | Excellence Initiative |
France | 2008 | Pôle de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur (PRES) |
Wales | 2011 | Sector Restructring |
Ireland | 2012 | Structural System Change |
Denmark | 2007 | Mergers |
Finland | 2010 | Mergers |
Australia | 2010 | Categorisation of provider type |
US States | 2010 | Profile funding models |
England | 2012 | Tuition Fee Changes |
van Vught, F. (2012) University Profiles, accessed 29/06/2013, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YSK9iyldUM
Should there be another persuasive post you can share next time, I’ll be surely waiting for it.