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Minima Digitālis

◊ The Cartesian cogito finds its apotheosis in the digital age: "I am computed, therefore I am." Yet in this computational affirmation lies a profound negation of the human. ◊ Digital literacy: the competence to navigate one's own obsolescence. ◊ Social media: the illusion of society where society has ceased to be. We perform intimacy for an audience of none, our every gesture captured and commodified. ◊ In the age of big data, forgetting becomes a revolutionary act. ◊ Code is the new metaphysics, structuring reality while claiming mere description. ◊ The digital and the real, locked in eternal dialectic, produce not synthesis but a schizophrenic oscillation between worlds. ◊ In seeking to erase ourselves, we only confirm the totality of our digital inscription. ◊ We see through a screen darkly; in the digital age, face-to-face knowledge remains our highest aspiration. ◊ The body of Christ finds new form in the digital ecclesia, yet the bread remains unbroken, the wine un

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